Monday, July 28, 2008

Home Again!

Well, I finally got my unit done and have come back home. It sure is nice to be here -- I think I might have overdosed on cable! :) But, life at my mom's was pretty easy, too. It's always an adjustment coming back here, but it is nice to be home.

I spent all day Saturday cleaning out my entry room closet -- something that hadn't been attempted in the 8 years (!) I've lived here. I never need to buy candles or tissue paper EVER AGAIN! Ha! It took nearly all day, but I got it done. It is so nice! I can even put the vacuum cleaner away, instead of sticking it in the second bedroom... I also found a few things I didn't know I owned -- like an airbed and two snow tubes. When and, more importantly, why, did I buy those? Anyway, I now have a trunk full of stuff to take to my mom's before it heads to the Goodwill. It sure feels good to get rid of stuff I can't remember why I had in the first place.

This afternoon I am headed out to check out a kennel for Thor for when I go to Norway. It is only a few miles outside of town, and it was recommended by my vet. Thor will have his own kitty condo and his own time in the playroom. It will be traumatic for both of us, I think, when I actually have to drop him off! But that's still a few weeks away, so I just won't think about it...

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I hate the library!

So, I'm procrastinating. I have been working on this project for almost a month, and I am so tired of it! I have been in the UWEC library nearly every day. Ugh. I'm almost done, but have one stupid lesson plan left to write, and I've hit a block. Stumped. Can't come up with anything good. So, instead, I'm cruising the net. I'm just waiting for that burst of inspiration so I can finish this darn thing! Maybe once I get it all done I can actually go to MY house instead of living with my mom. Which has been great, by the way, but it would be nice to be home where I can watch ESPN and TLC anytime I want! So, if you have any great ideas for a lesson plan dealing with urbanization and aggregate census data, let me know!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

I hear ya, Jen!

Unfortunately, William (Billy, as I like to call him) Patterson did not ask my opinion about leaving CSI, either. I am a little disappointed in him, but suppose I'll get over it. After all, Peyton did call and let me know about the surgery. He's doing fine, by the way.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Norway Meeting

So, my mom, Jan, and I are going to Norway in August for nine days. I am really excited about it -- it is my first trip there, and my mom has never been to Europe before. I think it is going to be a lot of fun. We are traveling with a group through Higgins Travel in Eau Claire, and last night we had an informational meeting to get to know the other members of our travel group. There are 11 of us going, but when we get to Oslo, we will join a larger group with others from around the world. That group could be as small as 15, or as large as 40. A great opportunity to meet others! Of course, I am the youngest one in our group, but not by too much. There are three married couples, two ladies, a single man (actually my pastor from when I was in high school and actually went to church...), and my mom and me. I think it is going to be a great time.

There is lots to plan for before then, the least of which is finding a kennel for Thor. I have one in mind, but have yet to visit it. It will be hard to leave him there for so long -- he is such a needy boy! Usually when I go on vacation, he goes to "grandma's" but that's not possible, since "grandma" will be traveling with me!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Getting Older

Well, I am definitely getting older. As if all the gray hair wasn't enough, today I went to the optometrist and learned that I need reading glasses. Ugh. But I picked out some pretty awesome frames. It will be a big adjustment but I think I'll survive.

I even think it will be a good thing, since I've been spending a lot of time reading things with very small print and also looking at old census data on the computer. I am still working on this project for UWEC, which is turning out to be a bit harder than I'd anticipated. Of course. :)

Monday, July 7, 2008


Hi everyone. My name is Amy, and I live in Viroqua, WI, with my cat, Thor. I am a high school social studies teacher at a really little town near here. I've been a teacher there for eight years, and it keeps me really busy. I coach middle school volleyball and varsity softball. I am also the Student Council and Travelers' Club Advisor.
This spring I completed the Learning By Doing grant through UW-Eau Claire, and earned a certificate in Public History. I am currently taking another class as an extention of the project.