So, I'm just ending an inservice day at school. We were supposed to start our new semester tomorrow, but due to the 2 cold days last week, we will have one day to end last semester. That actually works out really well for me, since I have 3 classes that end at semester, and some of them still have work out, or have a few loose ends to tie up. However, I am really excited to start my new classes on Wednesday:
1. History vs. Hollywood. This is the class where we watch "real" Hollywood movies that are "based on a true story." Since the kids seem to think every movie is how history really was, this is a fun class for them to learn about how fake "true" movies really are. Plus, not a lot of prep for me -- hey, we watch movies every day!
2. Economics & Sociology. With our economy the way it is now, I think it's even more important for kids to understand what's going on & why. We do a lot of stock market & personal finance stuff the first quarter, and then get into some cool sociology stuff toward the end.
3. Advanced History. This is a brand new class this year! I'm pretty much making it up as I go along. There are only 5 seniors, so I think it will be great. We will be working on writing research papers using social studies standards and formats. I think it will be a pretty fun class.
So, hopefully second semester will fly by as fast as the first one! Softball starts in only two months, so that will make my life even busier -- and busy is good!