Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Home already?

Today, I actually get to go home while it's still light out! I was in Iowa over the weekend at an art class -- I made two pieces of art, and learned two important things: 1. Art is hard. 2. I am not a collager. I thought a lot of what was made looked like crap. I kind of felt that if I'd only had a box of uncooked macaroni I could really make something... Anyway, I do like the two things I made, so it wasn't a total waste. But back to my point, I was gone from Friday afternoon until Sunday night at 9. Then, Monday, I had a softball game and got home at 8:30. Last night, I stayed for the local forensics performance, and got home about 9. It's only 5:40! The sun is shining! I can go home! Hooray!

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