Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Mishmash of junk

How is it August already? Happy birthday #5 -- nice of you to catch up to the rest of us. Boy it sure was fun on Saturday night in EC with #1, 4 & 5. I'm pretty sure I've never had that much fun at the 400 Club! :) Everyone had fun, no one puked (at the bar, at least), and we all got some railroad souvenirs. Ha ha ha!

I'd been in BRF earlier to attend the premiere of Lillian's new movie: "Dancing with Miss White." A bit too much dancing for me (made the movie LONG), but Lil's parts were great, and the clips at the end were perfect! Plus it was fun to see some relatives for dinner before the movie.

I went to school yesterday to get some stuff ready for the newsletter and take care of my supply order. It really isn't bad being there when there aren't any kids there! :) It's hard to believe that school starts in three weeks! Only inservice -- "real" school starts ONE MONTH FROM TODAY! Good lord. How do people with other jobs do it? I'd go absolutely crazy without summers off.

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