Friday, December 18, 2009


This has been another long week. It seems like ALL the weeks are long when they're right before vacation!

I did concessions 3 nights this week -- thank goodness tonight's game is a girls game, and I don't have to work! Three nights of smelling like a big ball of popcorn is plenty. Now I won't have any games until January! Hooray!

In addition to working long days, I nearly screwed up all future vacation plans on Tuesday by being atypically clumsy. I was walking down some stairs, totally not paying attention, thought I was at the bottom, and took a huge digger! I'm sure it looked really funny, but it hurt like hell! I was grateful for two important things, tho: 1. No one saw me fall; 2. I didn't swear out loud! These are both important, as it was still during school! I was determined that my ankle wasn't broken, so I hobbled back to my room, where I proceeded to swear a bit. :) My ankle swelled up to the size of a grapefruit and immediately started turning colors. I hobbled down to the basement to get some ice and then iced and elevated for the rest of the night (mostly). I still had to help a bit with concessions, but by the end of the night, I was managing to get around with only a slight limp. I had the athletic trainer take a look at it, too, and he thought it wasn't broken, either.

I still took Wednesday off. :) I thought I'd be able to go, but when I got up in the morning, it was so stiff and sore that I figured I'd better use a sick day. I spent nearly the entire day laying on the couch with my leg piled on pillows, icing on and off. By the end of the day, the swelling was much better, and I was walking nearly normally.

These last two days have seen healing, but also some amazing colors! My entire foot and ankle have turned some lovely shades of black, blue, yellow and green. Looks cool behind the dolphin tattoo...

So, thank goodness it wasn't broken! Only 1 week til Christmas, and 11 days til Vegas! I'll be 100% by then!

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