Friday morning (or early afternoon, whichever) we went to the Wynn. It was pretty, but the best part about it was that there were no strollers allowed! People: Do NOT bring your kids to Vegas! It is for adults! How hard is that to figure out?
When I am in charge of Vegas, no children will be let in. Also, no leggings with sweater dresses. It's not the 80s for the crap sakes!

We went to dinner that night at Toby Keith's restaurant. I had beer batter shrimp that were bigger than my head.

We are so cute in pink!

Here's why I should really love IP -- I won again Friday night! On this machine, I hit some weird wild thing that made a penguin pop up in each spot that made the spot wild. And, I guess the polar bears were a big deal, since I won over $100 -- on a penny machine! Hooray!
I was not the big winner of the evening, though. Bobber played video poker and got a royal flush. Shut up! That was so cool...

The IP has "dealertainers" -- impersonators who, when they aren't performing, deal cards. We saw Beyonce first, then the Blues Brothers. Not bad.

But Michael drew the biggest crowd. Of course! He did "Man in the Mirror" first, and then an encore: "Beat it!" Maybe because Jen and I screamed it...
BTW, Jen, you owe me HUGE for not putting my videos up on the blog. You tube, anyone?
You Tube has been shut down. No need to put any videos up.
Even funnier! And, also untrue. I was just checking youtube today...
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