Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wednesday afternoon procrastination

It's finally the end of the quarter next week, and I have a crap-ton of stuff to grade. But am I? No! I'm blogging! Terrible, aren't I?!? And, what's even worse, is that I don't have anything of note to say. But, I'm just avoiding doing any actual work. I always assign these projects with the hopes that I'll get great results, but, as always, I get a couple that are really good, several that are mediocre, and then some that are bad. Ugh. On the plus side, with the end of first quarter fast approaching, that means that a couple of my classes are halfway done! Yea! Not that I don't like my classes, for the most part, it's just that each class has a few kids that drive me nuts. Some, because they talk all the time and never know when to shut up. Others, because the class is just way out of their league, but they're stuck in it, and we have to make do.

Aah, well. It could always be worse, right? On the plus side, I can look forward to a weekend with absolutely no plans. Nowhere to be, nothing to accomplish, just 2 days of relaxation. It won't end up like that, but it's nice to think so!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Crazy Sunday morning!

So, I got up this morning about 9. It was nice to sleep in. I came out and was sitting on the couch when I heard this weird scratching noise. I could see Thor, so I knew it wasn't him. I looked to the left, into the little bedroom, and nearly had a heart attack! Climbing up the edge of the door was a squirrel! Holy @#$%! And, I couldn't even shut the door because the squirrel was on it!

I got Thor and myself into my bedroom, but realized my cell phone was in the living room -- and I couldn't remember any numbers! So, I bravely ran out of my room, grabbed the cell phone, and ran outside. I tried to call my landlord, but had to leave a message on his cell. Then I tried his wife, but had to leave a message there, too. So, I called my mom. She wanted me to go into the bedroom and open the window! Apparently, she missed the part where there was a live squirrel in the room!

I realized that I needed to shut the bedroom door to keep it contained, at least. When I came back inside, the squirrel was no longer on the door. I could see it in the crack of the door near the hinges, though -- sitting on my sweatshirts! It was just a baby, and obviously as terrified as I was. That thought didn't really stop me from hyperventilating a bit, though.

My landlady called back and sent her son over. He went in the room, opened the window, and the little guy made it out safely. Hooray!

I have no idea how the squirrel got in, but am glad it's gone. I think it was in the house for a day or two, also. When I got home from EC, I noticed that some stuff had been knocked off of some pretty high places -- places that Thor usually doesn't go. Like the top of the fridge, the shelf above the toilet, or the top of the entertainment center. I figured he'd just been a bit wild. I didn't yell at him, though. And thank goodness, cuz it was probably the damn squirrel! What a wild Sunday morning.