Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Home already?

Today, I actually get to go home while it's still light out! I was in Iowa over the weekend at an art class -- I made two pieces of art, and learned two important things: 1. Art is hard. 2. I am not a collager. I thought a lot of what was made looked like crap. I kind of felt that if I'd only had a box of uncooked macaroni I could really make something... Anyway, I do like the two things I made, so it wasn't a total waste. But back to my point, I was gone from Friday afternoon until Sunday night at 9. Then, Monday, I had a softball game and got home at 8:30. Last night, I stayed for the local forensics performance, and got home about 9. It's only 5:40! The sun is shining! I can go home! Hooray!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

TGI'm Not In High School!

Why is there so much drama in high school? I don't ever remember there being as much drama between girls as I see these days. Sure, there were some issues, but good lord. I think that sometimes it is just overwhelming to listen to hs girls. Today I had two girls screaming in the hallway after practice, and yelling at each other all the way out to the parking lot. Then, I had one of them in my room crying and nearly hyperventilating, and I can barely even understand why she is so worked up! So now I need to talk to the other one, and try and figure out the story. And then, thry and get both of them to come to some kind of resolution, at least to the point that they can play on the same team. Ugh. Did you know there are only 32 school days left????

Monday, April 13, 2009

Filters needed

So I've noticed more and more lately that kids (and adults) really lack a filter. You know, that inner voice that reminds you, "it's not ok to say that now." Kids do it all the time in school -- they open their mouths and stuff comes out that no one in their right mind would say! I have to remind them all the time to turn their filters on. But there are definitely adults that lack one, also. I have a super great example of poor filter usage by adults and students, but I'm not going to write about it here -- if you really want to know, send me an email...

Anyway, I just wish more people would think before they open their mouths. Saying the first thing that pops into their minds just usually is a BAD idea, and causes trouble for more than just them!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Snow storm?

So, I was supposed to go on the Art Club trip to Minneapolis this weekend. It is a pretty fun trip -- we go to the Walker sculpture garden (you know, the one with the giant cherry on a spoon), the Minneapolis Institute of Art, and then the Mall of America. But, we cancelled the trip because we were supposed to get this horrific snow storm today. And, it was snowing here when I woke up this morning. But it stopped. And all melted. The radar says it is supposed to snow more, but it actually looks kind of nice out now. It figures!